With November comes Movember, and we are now under one month away!
Movember is the leading charity aiming to change the landscape of men’s health. Focusing on mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer, Movember has been tackling these challenges head on since 2003. The organization has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world.
Below we share the ways in which YOU can get involved in this awesome cause!
Growing a Mo just may save a life! Men are dying before their time. But you can help us change and save lives! Raising money for this great cause, will fund ground-breaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.
You can sign up here! Grow a Mo
Commit to walking or running 60 kms over the month. That’s 60 kms for the 60 men we lose each hour, every hour – the men who should still be here today. You don’t have to be an ultra-athlete, or own the latest kicks. Move is simpler than that. Put one foot in front of the other, and you’ve already made a start.
Grab your friends, family, whoever, and have a good time whilst raising funds for an even better cause! Your ‘Mo-ment’ is completely up to you! It could be a sports games night, trivia night, or a good old-fashioned barbie. Keep it simple and enjoy spending time with loved ones.
Get the party started here!
Mo Your Own Way is a choose-your-own-adventure challenge epic in scope and scale. Ride from Sydney to Byron Bay. Hike your state’s highest mountains. Run a cross-country relay with mates. Think big and go bigger. The donations you inspire will help fund ground-breaking projects across men’s mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.
Whatever you intend to do this Movember, you will no doubt be helping a great cause and contributing positively to the lives of Men all across the country!

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